• By:VOHOM
  • 2024-04-09
  • 556

AABR :automated auditory brain response

ABR :auditory brainstem response

AOM :acute otitis media

APD :auditory processing disorder

APGAR :method of scoring to measure the physical condition of a newborn

ARHL :age-related hearing loss

ASHA :American Speech Language & Hearing Association

ASOM :acute suppurative otitis media

ASSR :auditory steady-state response

AGC : automatic gain control

ANSI: American national standard institute

BTE : behind the ear

BW Body Worn

CART :communication access realtime translation

CCAC :Collaborative for Communication Access via Captioning

CDC :Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (United States)

CMA :community health aide/agent

CHW :community health worker

CMV :cytomegalovirus

CSOM :chronic suppurative otitis media

DALY :disability-adjusted life year

dB :decibel

dBA :A-weighted decibel

D/HH :deaf/hard-of-hearing

DLU :Deaf Link Uganda

DR-TB :drug-resistant tuberculosis

DST :dexamethasone suppression test

DTC :direct-to-consumer/customer

DI :directionality index

DSP Digital Signal Processing

DAI Direct Audio Input

DFS Digital Feedback Suppression

DFC Dynamic Feedback Cancellation

EHC :ear and hearing care

EHDI :early hearing detection and intervention

ENT :ear, nose and throat

FDA :Food and Drug Administration (United States)

FLIP :Family-centred Early Intervention Program (Austria)

FM :frequency modulation

FRESH :Focusing Resources on Effective School Health

GBD :global burden of disease

GDP: gross domestic product

GP :general practitioner

HHL :hidden hearing loss

HIV :human immunodeficiency virus

Hz :Hertz measurement of sound vibration frequency

ICF :International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health

IPC-EHC :integrated people-centred ear and hearing care

ITU :International Telecommunication Union

ITE: in the ear

ITC : in the canal

MDR-TB :multidrug-resistant tuberculosis

MHMS :Ministry of Health and Medical Services (Fiji)

MoH :Ministry of Health

NGO :nongovernmental organization

NHSP :Newborn Hearing Screening Program (Israel)

NICU :neonatal intensive care units

NIHL :noise-induced hearing loss

NSOM :nonsuppurative otitis media

OAE :otoacoustic emission

OM :otitis media

OME :otitis media with effusion

OTC :over-the-counter

PCV :pneumococcal conjugate vaccine

PEHC :primary ear and hearing care

PEHC-TR :primary ear and hearing care training resources

PSAP :personal sound amplification product

PTA :pure tone audiometry

PC: peak cut

QALY :quality-adjusted life year

QOL :quality of life

RAHL :rapid assessment of hearing loss

RCT :randomized control trial

SDG :Sustainable Development Goal

SFHA :self-fitting Hearing Aids

SLT :speech-language therapist

SSNHL :sudden sensorineural hearing loss

STT :speech-to-text

STTI :speech-to-text-interpreting

STTR :speech-to-text-reporting

SPL: sound pressure level

SSPL: saturated sound pressure level

S/N Sound/Noise

TEOAE : transient-evoked otoacoustic emission

UN :United Nations

UNCRPD :United Nations Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities

UNHS :universal newborn hearing screening

USA :United States of America

VA :Veterans Affairs

VC Volume Control

WHA :World Health Assembly

WHO :World Health Organization

WHF :World Hearing Forum

WISN :Workforce Indicator for Staffing Needs (WHO)

WDRC Wide Dynamic Range Compression

YLD :years lived with disability




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