Can wearing hearing AIDS cause high blood pressure?

  • By:VOHOM
  • 2024-05-08
  • 558

Wearing hearing AIDS does not cause high blood pressure, on the contrary, if hypertension is not properly controlled, it may also cause hearing loss, and it is necessary to wear hearing AIDS to assist hearing.


Elderly people with high blood pressure can wear hearing AIDS. Hearing AIDS have no side effects, but you need to choose a hearing aid that is suitable for you and of good quality. Therefore, it is best to buy hearing AIDS in professional stores and check your hearing regularly. When hearing fluctuations, the hearing aid can be adjusted according to the hearing condition.


A hearing aid is a device used to help people with hearing loss improve their hearing, and it does not directly cause high blood pressure. Hypertension is an independent chronic disease, mainly related to the cardiovascular system, high blood pressure will not only harm the cardiovascular system, long-term high blood pressure and poor control will lead to hardening of the small arteries in the ear, and may also lead to deafness. The role of hearing AIDS is to amplify the sound and help the hearing impaired to hear the outside sound better.


Choose the right hearing aid, the right sound will not affect high blood pressure. However, when wearing a hearing aid, it is also important to pay attention to the fact that when wearing a hearing aid, try not to adjust the volume of the sound too high in a noisy environment. You can choose a machine with better noise reduction performance and better burst noise suppression. When you are not calm, you can leave and relax. The main thing is to maintain good psychological factors. Pay attention to the maximum output of the hearing aid and do not cause excitement in the elderly. If you can, choose a soft, non-linear solution. At the same time, patients should also pay attention to control blood pressure and actively treat hypertension to reduce the risk of deafness.




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