Hearing loss: A neglected health problem

  • By:VOHOM
  • 2024-04-08
  • 649

Hearing loss is called an "invisible disability." Although hearing loss lacks obvious symptoms, it can cause confusion and inconvenience to normal life, and it has been ignored for a long time, which is a neglected health problem.

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It is estimated that our collective failure to adequately address hearing is costing US $1 trillion a year. While the financial burden is enormous, the social and personal emotional distress caused by hearing loss cannot be quantified.

As of 2023, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are 466 million people with disabling hearing loss worldwide, accounting for 5% of the global population, of whom 34 million are children. What makes this matter more urgent than ever is the fact that the number of people living with hearing loss is likely to rise significantly in the coming decades. In addition, 1.1 billion young people will face permanent hearing loss due to other adverse factors such as listening to loud music for too long. The World Hearings Report shows that implementing public health measures can prevent many hearing losses. To guide future action, the World Hearing Report Outlines a series of interventions for Member States to adopt and propose to integrate into national strategic health systems to ensure equitable access to ear and hearing care for all.

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To help these patients, we first need to raise awareness about hearing loss. Most people believe that only the elderly are affected by age-related aging and loss of the hearing system. However, in the current situation, hearing loss can affect people of any age, including children and adolescents, and the impact is even more rapid and far-reaching. Therefore, we need to strengthen the publicity and education of hearing protection and remind people to pay attention to protecting their hearing.


Secondly, we should encourage people to have regular hearing checks. Just as we go for regular eye exams, regular hearing checkups can help us catch potential hearing problems early. Especially for those who work in a noisy environment for a long time, regular hearing checks are especially important.


In addition, we can promote the use of assistive hearing devices. The development of modern technology has made auxiliary hearing equipment more intelligent and convenient. For example, hearing AIDS and hearing AIDS can help patients better hear and understand sounds around them. These devices can be used in different scenarios, whether in the office, at home or in social situations, to help.


Finally, we need to provide psychological support and counseling. Hearing loss can cause a lot of negative emotions and psychological stress for patients. Therefore, we need to provide professional psychological counseling and support to help them cope with these difficulties. At the same time, educate patients and their families about the effects of hearing loss and provide them with appropriate communication skills and methods.


In summary, hearing loss is called an "invisible disability" because it lacks obvious symptoms and has been ignored for a long time. However, it has a significant impact on patients' lives and mental health. By raising awareness of hearing loss, regular hearing screenings, promoting assistive hearing devices, and providing psychological support and education, we can help patients better cope with hearing loss and improve their quality of life.




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