Return to tranquility: The auditory experience of simulated hearing AIDS
- 2024-04-07
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For a long time, the hearing AIDS that consumers have been exposed to in the market are analog hearing AIDS, and until today, analog hearing AIDS are also bought by many people because of their advantages.
Analog hearing AIDS and digital hearing AIDS are two common types in modern hearing AIDS. There are some major differences in their working principles, functions and application scenarios.
First, analog hearing AIDS work similarly to a microphone attached to a speaker. Hearing AIDS pick up external sounds, amplify them, and analog hearing AIDS amplify all sounds equally. They cannot distinguish between foreground and background noise, nor can they isolate certain types of sound. Digital hearing AIDS work based on digital signal processing technology to more precisely process sound signals and provide a clearer, more natural hearing experience.
Secondly, in terms of function, digital hearing AIDS have more advanced functions. They can automatically adjust the volume and pitch according to the different environment to provide better auditory adaptability. Digital hearing AIDS can also filter out background noise and enhance conversation sounds, making it easier for patients to listen and understand what others are saying.
Finally, in terms of application scenarios, analog hearing AIDS are suitable for general hearing loss situations, especially when used in a relatively quiet environment. Digital hearing AIDS are suitable for more complex cases of hearing loss and can provide better hearing in a variety of environments, including noisy environments and situations where sound is heard at a distance.
Other benefits of analog hearing AIDS include:
The average price is lower
Easier to set up
According to the actual situation of the patient, it is recommended that when choosing a hearing aid, the choice should be made according to the degree of hearing loss of the patient, the daily living environment and personal needs. For general hearing loss, analog hearing AIDS may be an affordable option in quiet, uncomplicated environments such as homes or indoor offices. When choosing a hearing aid, it is recommended that patients consult a professional audiologist or hearing aid specialist to make the appropriate choice according to their individual circumstances. At the same time, patients should also have regular hearing checks, as well as the correct use and maintenance of hearing AIDS to ensure the health of hearing.
It is encouraging that, as a leading hearing aid company in China, VOHOM has launched our proprietary digital sound processing chipset in 2023, which will provide an unprecedented superior price-performance ratio. Become one of the few high-end hearing aid companies with independent research and development and production of chips. If you need to purchase professional hearing aid equipment, you can contact us.
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